康涅狄格州开发了美国首个公民人工智能学院,这是一个供工人学习人工智能技能和认证的在线平台。 Connecticut develops the nation's first Citizens AI Academy, an online platform for workers to learn AI skills and certifications.
各州正在制定举措,帮助工人适应人工智能在工作场所日益增强的作用。 States are creating initiatives to help workers adapt to the increasing role of AI in the workplace. 康涅狄格州正在开发该国首个公民人工智能学院,这是一个免费的在线平台,提供精选课程来学习人工智能技能并获得必要的认证。 Connecticut is developing the country's first Citizens AI Academy, a free online platform offering curated classes to learn AI skills and obtain necessary certifications. 这些努力旨在防止工人随着人工智能技术的进步和在劳动力市场中的普及而落后。 These efforts aim to prevent workers from falling behind as AI technology advances and becomes more prevalent in the workforce.