2019 年,西雅图郊区的警察杰弗里·尼尔森 (Jeffrey Nelson) 因扰乱治安而枪杀了杰西·萨雷 (Jesse Sarey),根据华盛顿州放宽的警察杀人法,尼尔森被判谋杀罪。 Suburban Seattle officer Jeffrey Nelson convicted of murder under Washington's eased law for police killings, after shooting Jesse Sarey for disorderly conduct in 2019.
一名西雅图郊区的警察成为华盛顿州法律下第一名被判谋杀罪的警察,该法律减轻了对执法人员执勤杀人的起诉。 A suburban Seattle police officer has become the first to be convicted of murder under Washington state law, which eases the prosecution of law enforcement officers for on-duty killings. 这名警官名叫杰弗里·尼尔森 (Jeffrey Nelson),他于 2019 年在试图逮捕行为不检的杰西·萨雷 (Jesse Sarey) 时向他开了两枪,最终被判二级谋杀罪和一级攻击罪。 The officer, Jeffrey Nelson, was found guilty of second-degree murder and first-degree assault for shooting Jesse Sarey twice while trying to arrest him for disorderly conduct in 2019.