BC Hydro 为房主提供高达 10,000 美元的回扣,为安装太阳能电池板和电池存储系统的组织提供高达 150,000 美元的回扣。 BC Hydro offers up to $10,000 rebates for homeowners and $150,000 for organizations to install solar panels and battery storage systems.
不列颠哥伦比亚省公共电力公司 BC Hydro 为房主提供高达 10,000 美元的回扣,为首次安装太阳能电池板和电池存储系统的组织提供高达 150,000 美元的回扣。 British Columbia's public power utility, BC Hydro, is offering rebates of up to $10,000 for homeowners and up to $150,000 for organizations to install solar panels and battery storage systems for the first time. 符合条件的房主可以获得高达 5,000 美元的太阳能光伏板补贴和高达 5,000 美元的电池储能系统补贴。 Eligible homeowners can receive up to $5,000 for solar photovoltaic panels and up to $5,000 for a battery-storage system. 客户还可以注册将多余的能源送入更广泛的电网,为未来的消费赚取积分。 Customers can also register to send excess energy into the wider grid, earning credit for future consumption. 该退税计划将适用于公寓楼、小型企业、社会住房和土著社区。 The rebate program will be available to apartment buildings, small businesses, social housing, and Indigenous communities.