湾区住房金融管理局通过一项决议,将在11月的选举中发行200亿美元的经济适用住房债券。 Bay Area Housing Finance Authority adopts a resolution to place a $20B bond for affordable housing on the November ballot.
湾区住房金融管理局 (BAHFA) 通过决议,将一项 200 亿美元的一般责任债券措施列入湾区九个县 11 月的投票表决中。 Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) adopts resolution to place a $20B general obligation bond measure on the November ballot of each of the nine Bay Area counties. 该债券旨在筹集和分配资金,用于在整个地区建造新的经济适用住房和保护现有的经济适用住房。 The bond aims to raise and distribute funds for building new affordable housing and preserving existing affordable housing throughout the region. 如果获得批准,该债券将帮助湾区建造或保留超过 70,000 栋房屋。 If approved, the bond could help build or preserve more than 70,000 homes in the Bay Area.