奥贡州州长达波·阿比奥敦 (Dapo Abiodun) 当选南方州长论坛主席,阿南布拉州州长查尔斯·索鲁多 (Charles Soludo) 当选副主席。 Ogun Governor Dapo Abiodun elected chairman of Southern Governors' Forum, Anambra Governor Charles Soludo vice-chairman.
奥贡州州长达波·阿比奥敦 (Dapo Abiodun) 当选为南方州长论坛主席,阿南布拉州州长查尔斯·索卢多 (Charles Soludo) 为副主席。 Ogun Governor, Dapo Abiodun, has been elected as the chairman of the Southern Governors' Forum, with Anambra Governor, Charles Soludo, as vice-chairman. 此次会议在奥贡州阿贝奥库塔举行,17 位州长中有 16 位出席。 The meeting, which had 16 out of 17 governors in attendance, took place in Abeokuta, Ogun State. 该论坛旨在解决地区利益,重点关注安全、基础设施、粮食安全和农业、交通运输和权力下放等问题。 The forum aims to address regional interests, with a focus on security, infrastructure, food security and agriculture, transportation, and devolution of powers.