尼日利亚联邦政府计划在“重拾希望城市和庄园”计划下再建造 2,000 套住房,重点是经济适用住房、刺激当地经济和创造就业机会。 Nigeria's Federal Government plans to construct 2,000 additional housing units as part of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates program, with a focus on affordable housing, local economy stimulation, and job creation.
作为“重振希望城市和庄园”计划的一部分,尼日利亚联邦政府计划在八个州新建 2,000 套住房,自 2 月份启动以来,总住房数量达到 6,612 套。 Nigeria's Federal Government plans to construct 2,000 additional housing units in eight states as part of the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates program, bringing the total units to 6,612 since its launch in February. 该计划旨在为尼日利亚人提供经济实惠的住房选择,刺激当地经济,促进经济增长。 The program aims to provide affordable housing options for Nigerians, stimulate local economies, and promote economic growth. 这些住房项目提供各种融资选择,包括个位数和长达30年的抵押贷款、先租后买的选择,以及高收入者的直接购买。 The housing projects offer various financing options, including single-digit and up to 30-year mortgage loans, rent-to-own options, and outright purchase for high-income earners. 该建设预计将创造超过50,000个就业岗位并刺激当地经济。 The construction is expected to create over 50,000 jobs and stimulate the local economy.