密歇根州共和党众议员尼尔·弗里斯克因枪击事件在兰辛因重罪指控被捕。 Michigan Republican State Rep. Neil Friske arrested in Lansing on felony charges after gun incident.
密歇根州共和党众议员尼尔·弗里斯克 (Neil Friske) 在兰辛因重罪指控被捕,此前警方接到报告称一名男子携带枪支并可能开枪。 Michigan Republican State Representative Neil Friske was arrested in Lansing on charges of a felony-level offense, after police responded to a report of a male with a gun and possible shots fired. 弗里斯克是第一任期的众议员,目前被关押在监狱中,预计将于周五或周六接受提审。 Friske, a first-term representative, is currently held in jail and is expected to be arraigned on Friday or Saturday. 目前,英厄姆县检察官办公室正在审查这些指控。 The charges are currently under review at the Ingham County Prosecutor's office.