中国国家主席习近平和特立尼达和多巴哥总统坎格洛互相祝贺两国建交50周年。 Chinese President Xi Jinping and Trinidad & Tobago President Christine Kangaloo congratulated each other on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties.
中国国家主席习近平和特立尼达和多巴哥总统坎格洛互致贺电,庆祝两国建交50周年。 Chinese President Xi Jinping and Trinidad and Tobago President Christine Kangaloo exchanged congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between their countries. 两国领导人强调,中特两国关系十分密切,政治互信深厚,各领域合作深入发展。 The two leaders highlighted the strong relationship between China and Trinidad and Tobago, both in political trust and various fields of cooperation. 习近平表示,他致力于继续高质量共建“一带一路”,深化两国交流合作。 Xi expressed his commitment to continuing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and furthering exchanges and cooperation between the two nations.