亚特兰大市中心斗殴中发现一名男子死亡,监控录像拍下了这一画面。 Man found dead in downtown Atlanta altercation, captured on surveillance footage.
在亚特兰大市中心彼得斯街与特德特纳大道交叉口附近,一名男子因长时间的肢体冲突而死亡。 A man was found dead in a prolonged physical altercation near the intersection of Peters Street and Ted Turner Drive in downtown Atlanta. 事件发生在楼梯上,监控录像显示,犯罪嫌疑人反复殴打受害者,直至其失去生命。 The incident, which occurred on a set of stairs, was captured on surveillance footage showing the suspect repeatedly beating the victim until he was lifeless. 亚特兰大警察局正在调查此案,尚未公布受害者的身份,同时敦促任何知情人士与他们联系。 The Atlanta Police Department are investigating the case and have not released the victim's identity, while urging anyone with information to contact them.