44 岁的安东尼·戴维斯在纽约州奥奈达湖钓鱼取钥匙时溺水身亡。 44-year-old Anthony Davis drowned in Oneida Lake, NY, while retrieving keys during a fishing trip.
44 岁的安东尼·戴维斯在与两个朋友钓鱼时掉入纽约州奥奈达湖的水中,试图取回钥匙时不幸溺水身亡。 44-year-old Anthony Davis drowned in Oneida Lake, New York, while attempting to retrieve his keys that fell into the water during a fishing trip with two friends. 戴维斯和另一位渔民瓦蒂·卡普斯都跳入水中寻找钥匙,但未能返回岸边。 Davis and fellow fisherman Wattie Cappers both entered the water to retrieve the keys but failed to return to shore. 当地政府赶到现场试图进行救援,戴维斯在医院被宣布死亡,卡普尔斯情况稳定。 Local authorities arrived to attempt a rescue, with Davis being pronounced dead at the hospital and Cappers stabilized.