越来越多的人因犯罪而入狱服刑,后来被宣判无罪,这给他们带来了精神痛苦和经济压力。 More people are serving prison time for crimes they are later cleared of, causing mental anguish and financial strain.
新数据显示,越来越多的人因犯罪入狱,之后又获得无罪释放。 New data reveals that more people are serving prison time for crimes of which they are later cleared. 杰克*因猥亵罪被判入狱九个月,保释两年,最终无罪释放,他遭受了精神上的痛苦,他的家庭也遭受了重大损失。 Jack*, who spent nine months in jail and two years on bail before being found not guilty of indecent assault, experienced mental anguish and his family suffered significant loss. 刑事律师协会副主席 Sumudu Thode 指出,这种情况比人们想象的更为普遍,而且安置囚犯的成本很高。 Criminal Bar Association Vice President Sumudu Thode notes that this is more common than people think, and the costs of housing prisoners are high.