开发商 Ashcroft Homes 与渥太华市因下水道问题发生对峙,导致新房主自 2023 年 6 月起无法入住奥尔良的房产。 Developer Ashcroft Homes and Ottawa city standoff over sewers prevents new homeowners from occupying properties in Orléans since June 2023.
开发商 Ashcroft Homes 与渥太华市之间的僵局导致房主无法搬进奥尔良的新家。 A standoff between developer Ashcroft Homes and the city of Ottawa is preventing homeowners from moving into their new homes in Orléans. 伊斯特伯勒开发项目的买家萨姆·比比 (Sam Bibi) 由于该地区下水道纠纷,自 2023 年 6 月以来一直无法入住已完工的房子。 Sam Bibi, a buyer in the Eastboro development, has been unable to occupy his completed house since June 2023 due to a dispute over sewers in the area. 开发商和市政府之间的冲突导致房主陷入困境,无法获得自己的房产。 The conflict between the developer and the city leaves homeowners in limbo, unable to access their properties.