也门航空恢复科威特航班,结束了因冲突而中断的九年航班。 Yemen Airways resumes Kuwait flights, ending a nine-year hiatus due to conflict.
也门航空公司因冲突中断九年后恢复了科威特航班。 Yemen Airways resumes Kuwait flights after a nine-year hiatus due to conflict. 该航空公司的目标是恢复其运营至战前的水平,并计划在不久的将来开通飞往多哈和迪拜的直飞航班。 The airline aims to revive its operations to pre-war levels and has plans to launch direct flights to Doha and Dubai in the near future. 也门交通部长阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆·哈米德对也门航空公司和交通部在重建直飞航线(亚丁-科威特-亚丁)方面所做的努力表示赞赏。 Yemen's Minister of Transport, Abdul Salam Hamid, commends the efforts of Yemen Airways and the Ministry of Transport in reestablishing the direct flight route (Aden-Kuwait-Aden).