沙特阿拉伯与叙利亚重建关系,十多年来首次实现直飞朝圣航班。 Saudi Arabia reestablished ties with Syria, enabling direct pilgrimage flights for the first time in over a decade.
沙特与叙利亚恢复关系,十多年来首次实现两国间直飞朝圣航班。 Saudi Arabia restored ties with Syria, enabling direct pilgrimage flights between the two countries for the first time in over a decade. 居住在政府控制区的叙利亚人现在可以实现他们的朝觐梦想并与亲人团聚,就像一位 70 岁的老人与他的儿子团聚一样。 Syrians living in government-controlled areas can now fulfil their hajj dreams and reunite with loved ones, as one 70-year-old man did with his son. 朝觐是伊斯兰教的五大支柱之一,穆斯林一生中必须至少履行一次朝觐。 Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, must be performed by Muslims with the means to do so at least once in their lives.