拜登总统在七国集团峰会上与乌克兰签署了新的安全协议,确认了美国的长期支持,并涉及15个国家。 President Biden signs a new security agreement with Ukraine at the G7 summit, affirming long-term US support and involving 15 countries.
拜登总统将在前往意大利出席七国集团峰会期间与乌克兰签署新的安全协议,重申美国对乌克兰的长期支持。 President Biden will sign a new security agreement with Ukraine during his trip to Italy for the G7 summit, reaffirming America's long-term support to Ukraine. 该协议旨在向俄罗斯传递一个信息:支持乌克兰的联盟将长期致力于此,特别是在国防和安全方面。 The agreement aims to send a message to Russia that the coalition supporting Ukraine is committed for the long term, particularly in defence and security. 包括美国在内的15个国家签署了这项安全协议,预计将增强乌克兰的防御威慑能力。 Fifteen countries, including the US, have signed the security agreement, which is expected to strengthen Ukraine's defensive deterrence capability.