新西兰政府投资创纪录的 9000 万美元用于专科学校改善和卫星教室。 NZ government invests record $90m for specialist school improvements and satellite classrooms.
新西兰政府正在投资创纪录的 9000 万美元来改善专科学校和卫星教室。 The NZ government is investing a record $90m to improve specialist schools and satellite classrooms. 作为第 24 号预算的一部分,政府拨款 8900 万美元用于重建设施和为有高需求的学生创建额外的卫星教室,以解决等候名单长和条件差等问题。 As part of Budget 24, $89m is ringfenced to redevelop facilities and create additional satellite classrooms for students with high needs, addressing issues such as long waitlists and poor conditions. 这一消息是在奥克兰萨默维尔特殊学校发布的。 The announcement was made at Sommerville Special School in Auckland.