25 名太平洋国防军牧师齐聚奥克兰,参加由新西兰国防军主办的首届太平洋国防信仰网络会议。 25 Pacific Defence Force chaplains convene for the first Pacific Defence Faith Network in Auckland, hosted by NZDF.
来自新西兰、澳大利亚、斐济、汤加和巴布亚新几内亚的 25 名牧师齐聚奥克兰,参加由新西兰国防军主办的首届太平洋防御信仰网络会议。 25 chaplains from New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea gather for the first Pacific Defence Faith Network hosted by NZDF in Auckland. 为期一周的论坛让牧师们有机会参与会议、分享、祈祷,并向宗教团体的主讲人学习。 The week-long forum allows chaplains to engage in conferencing, sharing, prayer, and learning from key-note speakers in the faith community. 此次活动是新西兰国防军和牧师团首次将太平洋国防军牧师聚集在一起。 This event is a first for the NZDF and chaplaincy to bring Pacific Defence Force chaplains together.