纽敦高中高年级学生在毕业典礼上为桑迪胡克恐怖袭击的 20 名受害者默哀一分钟。 Newtown High seniors observed a moment of silence for the 20 Sandy Hook victims during graduation.
纽敦高中高年级学生在毕业典礼上默哀一分钟,以纪念 20 名在一年级时遇难的同学。 Newtown High seniors were told to honor their 20 classmates killed as first-graders during a moment of silence at their graduation. 校长金伯利·隆戈布科宣读了桑迪胡克受害者的名字,强调了他们的勇敢、善良和精神。 Principal Kimberly Longobucco read the names of the Sandy Hook victims, emphasizing their bravery, kindness, and spirit. 这次活动对毕业生来说是一场感人至深的仪式,旨在提醒他们“今天和每一天”都要在心中铭记逝去的同学。 The event was an emotional ceremony for the graduates, who were reminded to keep their lost classmates in their hearts "today and every day."