6 月 12 日,杜比克警方试图对一名性侵犯嫌疑人发出逮捕令,该嫌疑人后来被发现在其公寓内因自杀身亡。 On June 12, Dubuque Police attempted to serve a warrant for a sexual abuse suspect, who was later found dead within his apartment from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
杜比克警方试图在华盛顿街 955 号对一名因两项三级性侵犯指控而被通缉的嫌疑人执行逮捕令。 Dubuque Police attempted to serve an arrest warrant at 955 Washington Street for a suspect wanted on two counts of third-degree sexual abuse. 在袭击过程中,警察听到了一声枪响。 Officers heard a gunshot during the attempt. 警方设立了警戒线并部署了遥控机器人,该机器人在公寓内找到了嫌疑人。 Police established a perimeter and deployed a remote-controlled robot, which located the subject inside the apartment. 警方发现,已死亡的嫌疑人身上有自伤枪伤。 Officers found the deceased suspect with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. 事件发生于6月12日上午9点30分。 The incident occurred on June 12 at 9:30 am.