维多利亚州/南澳大利亚州边境附近一块占地 640 英亩的农场以每英亩 1484-1562 美元的价格挂牌出售,提供更便宜的 Wimmera 种植土地。 640-acre farm near Vic/SA border listed for sale at $1484-1562 per acre, offering cheaper Wimmera cropping land.
维多利亚州和南澳大利亚州边界附近一处被忽视的农场提供了一个难得的机会,可以以每英亩 1500 美元左右的价格购买廉价的 Wimmera 种植土地。 A neglected farm near the Vic/SA border offers a rare chance to buy cheap Wimmera cropping land for around $1500 per acre. Peronne 农场占地 259 公顷(640 英亩),售价在 95 万至 100 万美元之间,土地价格为每英亩 1,484 至 1,562 美元,远低于 Wimmera 的平均价格。 The Peronne farm, covering 259 hectares (640 acres), is listed for sale between $950,000 and $1 million, offering land at $1484-1562 per acre, significantly lower than the average Wimmera prices. 该农场有开垦过的土地和灌木丛覆盖的土地,适合种植和放牧。 The farm contains both cleared and scrub-covered land, suitable for both cropping and grazing.