34 岁的本杰明·詹姆斯·努恩斯患有妄想症,因在澳大利亚昆士兰州谋杀查尔斯·康普顿并企图枪杀其妻子而被判处终身监禁。 34-year-old Benjamin James Nunns, suffering from delusions, is sentenced to life for murdering Charles Compton and attempting to shoot his wife in Queensland, Australia.
34 岁的本杰明·詹姆斯·努恩斯 (Benjamin James Nunns) 自称受到妄想症的影响,因在澳大利亚昆士兰州当着查尔斯·康普顿妻子的面谋杀他而被判处终身监禁。 34-year-old Benjamin James Nunns, who claimed to be affected by delusions, has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Charles Compton in front of his wife in Queensland, Australia. 努恩斯在康普顿家中用一根金属杆袭击了他,然后返回拿了一支步枪向这对夫妇的车辆射击。 Nunns attacked and assaulted Compton with a metal pole at his home before returning to retrieve a rifle and shooting at the couple's vehicle. 法官表示,受害者的妻子卡伦在枪击事件发生时正坐在乘客座位上。 The judge stated that the victim's wife, Karen, was in the passenger seat during the fatal shooting.