联合国安理会一致通过决议,支持以色列与哈马斯冲突的停火计划。 UN Security Council unanimously adopts a resolution supporting a cease-fire plan for the Israel-Hamas conflict.
联合国安理会一致通过决议,支持以色列与哈马斯冲突的停火计划,呼吁双方就长期解决方案进行谈判,并呼吁立即停止敌对行动。 The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution supporting a cease-fire plan for the Israel-Hamas conflict, urging both sides to enter negotiations for a long-term resolution and calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 该决议由埃及和法国提出,并得到美国和其他常任理事国的支持。 The resolution was proposed by Egypt and France, with support from the US and other permanent members. 其目的是结束暴力并保护陷入交火的平民。 It aims to put an end to the violence and protect civilians caught in the crossfire.