下午 3:15,坎特伯雷省罗尔斯顿:车辆与行人相撞,一名儿童受重伤;紧急服务部门已做出响应,道路已封锁,并已安排改道。 3:15pm in Rolleston, Canterbury: Child critically injured in vehicle-pedestrian crash; emergency services responded, road blocked, diversions in place.
在坎特伯雷省罗尔斯顿,一名儿童在罗尔斯顿大道靠近基德曼街处发生的一起车辆与行人相撞的事故中受重伤。 In Rolleston, Canterbury, a child was critically injured in a vehicle-pedestrian crash at Rolleston Dr near Kidman St. 急救人员于下午 3 点 15 分赶到现场,并在现场对孩子进行了治疗,并将其送往基督城医院。 Emergency services responded at 3:15 pm, and the child was treated at the scene and transported to Christchurch Hospital. 道路已被封锁,并设置了改道;建议驾驶员选择其他路线。 The road is blocked, and diversions are set up; motorists are advised to take an alternate route. 严重事故调查组已收到通知。 The Serious Crash Unit has been informed.