路易斯安那州查茨沃斯的商业建筑因蒸汽云而疏散;31 人被疏散,8 人接受评估,1 人住院。 Commercial building in Chatsworth, LA, evacuated due to vapor cloud; 31 people evacuated, 8 evaluated, 1 hospitalized.
路易斯安那州查茨沃斯的一座商业建筑因建筑物后方出现“蒸汽云”而被疏散。 A commercial building in Chatsworth, LA, was evacuated after a "vapor cloud" was reported behind the structure. 消防员和危险品处理小组被叫到现场,疏散了约 31 人并对 8 名患者进行了评估。 Firefighters and a hazmat team were called to the scene, where they evacuated around 31 people and evaluated eight patients. 一人因轻微症状被送往医院。 One person was taken to a hospital with minor medical issues. 在当局确定该物质的性质之前,该地区仍处于禁区状态。 The area remains restricted until authorities can determine the nature of the substance.