加州车辆管理部指控特斯拉虚假陈述了自动驾驶和全自动驾驶功能。 California DMV alleges Tesla misrepresented Autopilot and Full Self-Driving capabilities.
加州车辆管理部指控特斯拉通过“自动驾驶”和“全自动驾驶”功能夸大了其车辆的自动驾驶能力,让客户相信它们比实际上更先进。 California DMV alleges Tesla overstated its vehicles' self-driving capabilities through "Autopilot" and "Full Self-Driving" features, leading customers to believe they are more advanced than they are. 特斯拉未能说服行政法官驳回诉讼,而就在不到一个月前,一名联邦法官裁定特斯拉必须面对提出类似诉讼的消费者提出的集体诉讼。 Tesla failed to convince an administrative judge to dismiss the claims, and this ruling comes less than a month after a federal judge ruled that Tesla must face a proposed class-action lawsuit by consumers making similar claims.