悉尼霍恩斯比郡议会因涉嫌“严重利益分肥”被勒令归还 2017 年“更加强大社区”计划中未动用的 3600 万美元拨款。 Sydney's Hornsby Shire Council ordered to return $36m in unspent 2017 Stronger Communities grant funds due to alleged "egregious pork-barrelling".
新南威尔士州工党政府已要求悉尼霍恩斯比郡议会归还上一届新南威尔士州政府设立的 2017 年“更强大社区”拨款中未动用的 3600 万美元资金。 Sydney's Hornsby Shire Council has been ordered by the NSW Labor government to return $36m in unspent funds from the 2017 Stronger Communities grant, established by the previous NSW government. 调查发现,96%的拨款流向了联盟党或边缘选区,这引发了“严重政治分肥”的指责。 An inquiry found that 96% of the grants went to coalition or marginal electorates, leading to accusations of "egregious pork-barrelling". 该委员会收到了 4000 万美元用于公园项目,但进展有限,促使政府要求偿还。 The council received $40m for a park project, but limited progress has been made, prompting the government's demand for repayment.