喀拉拉邦左翼政府拒绝立案调查该邦酒类政策涉嫌腐败的问题。 Kerala's Left government refuses to register a corruption case over alleged corruption in the state's liquor policy.
喀拉拉邦左翼政府拒绝根据《防止腐败法》立案调查该邦酒类政策涉嫌腐败的案件。 Kerala's Left government refuses to register a corruption case under the Prevention of Corruption Act over allegations of corruption in the state's liquor policy. 由国大党领导的反对党联合民主阵线 (UDF) 提起诉讼,声称该政策的实施存在腐败行为。 The opposition Congress-led UDF sought the case, claiming corruption in the policy's implementation. 政府以证据不足和需要进一步调查为由拒绝了该请求。 The government declined the request, citing insufficient evidence and the need for further investigation.