39 岁的哈雷·奥斯汀因袭击罪逃往新西兰,在认罪后不会面临额外的监禁,自 2017 年起服刑时间相当于引渡。 39-year-old Harley Austin, who fled to New Zealand for assault, won't face additional jail time after pleading guilty, serving time equivalent to extradition since 2017.
前摩托车手哈雷·奥斯汀 (Harley Austin) 在 2017 年多次殴打一名女子后逃往新西兰,但不会再服刑。 Former biker Harley Austin, who fled to New Zealand after repeatedly assaulting a woman in 2017, will serve no additional jail time. 39 岁的奥斯汀对四项袭击指控表示认罪,并获得了严格的有条件保释。 Austin, 39, pleaded guilty to four assault charges and was granted strict conditional bail. 他被判处最高两年半监禁,且不得假释期为 15 个月。 He was jailed for a maximum of two-and-a-half years, with a non-parole period of 15 months. 该监禁期限相当于他被引渡到澳大利亚以来所服刑的时间,因为检察官同意他不应该在监狱里呆更长时间。 The jail term equates to time served since his extradition to Australia, as prosecutors agreed he should not spend more time behind bars.