不列颠哥伦比亚省一名因袭击罪被捕的男子因违反法庭命令的条件再次被捕,正在等待保释听证。 Man in B.C., arrested for assault, was re-arrested for breaching court-ordered conditions, awaiting bail hearing.
一名来自 BC 省的男子 A man in B.C. 在他因袭击罪首次被捕后,本周引发了两次紧急响应小组电话。 triggered two emergency response team calls this week after his initial arrest for assault. 嫌疑人被指控犯有袭击罪,并被法院判处不得与受害者接触的条件释放。 The suspect was charged with assault and released with court-ordered conditions not to contact the victim. 然而,据称他违反了这些条件,导致他第二次被捕。 However, he allegedly breached these conditions, resulting in his arrest for the second time. 目前,嫌疑人将被拘留,直至周一举行保释听证会。 The suspect is now set to stay in custody until a bail hearing on Monday.