临床心理学家莱斯利·多布森博士在 TikTok 上发布的关于不归还购物车的视频引发了争论。 Clinical psychologist Dr. Leslie Dobson's TikTok video on not returning grocery carts sparks debate.
加州临床和法医心理学家莱斯利·多布森博士在 TikTok 上发布的一段视频引发了争论,视频分享了她对在杂货店不归还购物车的看法。 Dr. Leslie Dobson, a Californian clinical and forensic psychologist, sparked debate with a TikTok video sharing her opinion about not returning her shopping cart at a grocery store. 多布森的视频获得了近 1200 万次观看,视频中人们对于是否应该将购物车放回停车场围栏或将其留在汽车附近存在分歧。 Dobson's video, which has gained nearly 12 million views, has divided opinions on whether to return grocery carts to a parking lot corral or leave them near the car. 多布森的辩解是基于,她必须带着孩子下车归还手推车,这很不方便。 Dobson's argument is based on the inconvenience of having to take her children out of the car to return the cart.