司机逃离弗农的车祸现场;当局正在调查,寻找逃逸司机。 Driver flees crash scene in Vernon; authorities investigating, seeking fleeing driver.
一名司机逃离了弗农的车祸现场,有关事故、涉及的车辆和潜在伤害的详细信息尚不清楚。 A driver fled the scene of a crash in Vernon, and details about the accident, involved vehicles, and potential injuries are not available. 当地政府正在调查此事并努力寻找逃逸司机。 Local authorities are investigating the incident and working to locate the fleeing driver. 提醒公众在发生此类事件时要配合执法部门,知情者可联系有关部门。 The public is reminded to cooperate with law enforcement in such events, and those with information may contact the authorities.