谷歌在新加坡投资 50 亿美元用于扩建技术基础设施,包括数据中心和云设施。 Google invests $5 billion in Singapore for tech infrastructure expansion, including data centers and cloud facilities.
随着数据中心和云设施扩建完成,谷歌宣布在新加坡投资 50 亿美元技术基础设施。 Google announced a $5 billion tech infrastructure investment in Singapore, as their data center and cloud facility expansion completes. 该公司在该国的数据中心雇佣了 500 多名员工,并为谷歌搜索和地图等服务提供支持。 The company's data centers in the country employ over 500 people and power services like Google Search and Maps. 上周,谷歌还宣布在马来西亚投资 20 亿美元建立其首个数据中心。 Last week, Google also announced a $2 billion investment in Malaysia for its first data center in the country.