美国退役海军上将罗伯特伯克因在政府合同计划中受贿而被捕。 Retired US Navy Admiral Robert Burke arrested for bribery in government contract scheme.
美国退役海军上将罗伯特·伯克因涉及政府合同贿赂计划的联邦指控而被捕。 Retired US Navy Admiral Robert Burke was arrested on federal charges related to a bribery scheme involving a government contract. 据称,2020年至2022年,伯克在指挥美国驻欧洲和非洲海军部队期间收受贿赂,帮助一家培训公司赢得合同,以换取退休后的高薪工作。 From 2020 to 2022, Burke allegedly accepted bribes to help a training firm win contracts while he was commanding US Naval Forces Europe and Africa in exchange for a high-paying job post-retirement. 伯克和两名企业高管均被指控犯有行贿和串谋行贿罪。 Both Burke and the two business executives are charged with bribery and conspiracy to commit bribery.