广告公司 The Monkeys 聘请了来自 Goodby Silverstein & Partners 的 Lennie Galloway 和 Thomas Gledhill 担任副创意总监。 Ad agency The Monkeys adds Lennie Galloway and Thomas Gledhill as associate creative directors from Goodby Silverstein & Partners.
隶属于埃森哲 Song 旗下的广告公司 The Monkeys 宣布任命 Lennie Galloway 和 Thomas Gledhill 为其新的副创意总监。 Ad agency The Monkeys, part of Accenture Song, announced the addition of Lennie Galloway and Thomas Gledhill as its new associate creative directors. 两人之前就职于旧金山的 Goodby Silverstein & Partners,拥有十多年为 Cheetos、Autodesk 和 Liberty Mutual 等客户策划获奖活动的经验。 The duo, previously from Goodby Silverstein & Partners in San Francisco, brings over a decade of experience in creating award-winning campaigns for clients like Cheetos, Autodesk, and Liberty Mutual. 创作人员很高兴加入悉尼的 The Monkeys 乐团并为其在南半球著名的创意作品做出贡献。 The creatives are excited to join The Monkeys in Sydney and contribute to its renowned creative work in the southern hemisphere.