克什米尔诗人艾哈迈德·法哈德(Ahmad Farhad)在妻子提出诉求后被追踪到巴基斯坦占领克什米尔地区(PoK)的警方拘留所。 Kashmiri poet Ahmad Farhad traced to police custody in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) following wife's petition.
失踪的克什米尔诗人艾哈迈德·法哈德(Ahmad Farhad)在其妻子向伊斯兰堡高等法院提交的申请后被追踪到巴基斯坦占领的克什米尔地区(PoK)的警方拘留所。 Missing Kashmiri poet Ahmad Farhad traced to police custody in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), following a petition filed by his wife in Islamabad High Court. 据称,这位诗人两周前在家中被绑架,他的妻子因此提交了一份寻求帮助的请愿书。 The poet was allegedly abducted from his home two weeks ago, prompting his wife to file a petition seeking his recovery. 巴基斯坦总检察长曼苏尔·乌斯曼·阿万 (Mansoor Usman Awan) 向法庭通报,法哈德已在阿扎德查谟和克什米尔“被捕,目前被警方拘留”。 Attorney General for Pakistan, Mansoor Usman Awan, informed the court that Farhad has been "arrested and currently in police custody" in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. 法院正在审理此案,人权律师伊曼·马扎里 (Iman Mazari) 代表法哈德的妻子出庭受审。 The court is hearing the case, while human rights lawyer Iman Mazari represents Farhad's wife in the case.