检察官请求法官禁止特朗普在机密文件案中发表可能危及执法人员的公开言论。 Prosecutors request judge to prohibit Trump from making public statements that could endanger law enforcement agents in his classified documents case.
检察官已请求法官阻止前总统特朗普在机密文件案中发表可能危及执法人员的公开言论。 Prosecutors have asked a judge to prevent former President Trump from making public statements that could endanger law enforcement agents in his classified documents case. 此前,特朗普声称搜查其海湖庄园的联邦调查局特工“被授权可以射杀我”,并且“已经做好了准备将我干掉,并将我的家人置于危险之中”。 This follows Trump's claim that FBI agents who searched his Mar-a-Lago residence were "authorized to shoot me" and were "locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger." 检察官表示,特朗普密谋暗杀他的虚假指控可能会危及可能在审判中作为证人的执法人员的安全。 The prosecutors stated that Trump's false accusations of a plot to assassinate him could endanger the safety of law enforcement agents who may be called as witnesses in his trial.