5月26日,一列货运列车在特伦甘纳邦纳尔贡达区的维斯努普拉姆火车站出轨,导致两列客运列车受创。 On 26th May, a goods train derailed at Vishnupuram Railway Station in Telangana's Nalgonda district, impacting two passenger trains.
5 月 26 日,一列货运列车在 Telangana 纳尔贡达区的 Vishnupuram 火车站出轨,导致两个空车厢脱轨,并撞上两列客运列车。 A goods train derailed at Vishnupuram Railway Station in Telangana's Nalgonda district on 26th May, causing two empty bogies to derail and impacting two passenger trains. 脱轨原因尚不清楚,目前正在调查修复工作。 The cause of the derailment remains unknown, and ongoing renovation work is being investigated. 事件发生在特伦甘纳邦达梅尔切拉附近的贡土尔至塞康德拉巴德路线上。 The incident occurred on the Guntur-Secunderabad route near Damercherla, Telangana.