俄亥俄州的一家医疗机构采用马术治疗(一种已有 60 年历史的骑马治疗方法)来帮助患者进行身体、职业和语言治疗。 Ohio facility uses hippotherapy, a 60-year-old horse-riding treatment, to aid patients' physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
俄亥俄州的一家医疗机构采用马术治疗法(一种已有 60 年历史的残疾人治疗方法)来帮助患者。 An Ohio facility utilizes hippotherapy, a 60-year-old treatment for the impaired, to help patients. 马术治疗包括骑马,以帮助改善残疾人的身体、职业和语言治疗。 Hippotherapy involves horse riding to help improve the physical, occupational, and speech therapy of those with disabilities. 米尔福德的一家机构致力于提高人们对这种治疗方法益处的认识,强调这种治疗方法与马的独特联系以及马读懂人类情绪的能力。 A facility in Milford focuses on raising awareness of the treatment's benefits, highlighting its unique connection with horses and their ability to read people's emotions.