5 月 24 日,密西西比州警官尼古拉斯·迪恩在汉考克县 90 号高速公路的一个检查站被车撞倒后受重伤,可能是由于酒驾。 Mississippi State Trooper Nicholas Dean suffered serious injuries after being hit by a vehicle during a checkpoint on Hwy 90 in Hancock County on May 24, possibly due to DUI.
密西西比州警官尼古拉斯·迪恩在汉考克县 90 号高速公路检查站被车撞倒,身受重伤。 Mississippi State Trooper Nicholas Dean suffered serious injuries after being hit by a vehicle during a checkpoint on Hwy 90 in Hancock County. 该事件发生在5月24日阵亡将士纪念日旅行期间。 The incident occurred on May 24 during the Memorial Day travel period. 警员迪恩被空运至州外的一家医院,预计将完全康复。 Trooper Dean was airlifted to an out-of-state hospital and is expected to fully recover. 该案件目前正在调查中,可能涉及酒驾致人受伤的指控。 The case is under investigation as a possible driving under the influence causing injury charge.