肯尼亚总统在访问华盛顿特区期间宣布,肯尼亚将在三周内向海地派遣警察。 Kenya's President announces Kenya's police deployment to Haiti in 3 weeks during his Washington DC visit.
肯尼亚总统在访问华盛顿特区期间与英国广播公司讨论了海地和其他危机问题。 Kenya's President discusses Haiti and other crises with the BBC during his Washington DC visit. 据总统介绍,肯尼亚警察将在大约三周内抵达海地。 According to the president, Kenya's police will arrive in Haiti in approximately three weeks. 这一声明是在为期三天的访问期间宣布的。 The announcement was made during the three-day trip.