36 岁的黑帮打手罗斯·盖拉尼因一系列残酷的袭击(包括谋杀未遂和酷刑)被判处 16 年有期徒刑。 36-year-old gang enforcer Ross Al-Gailani sentenced to 16 years for a series of brutal attacks, including attempted murder and torture.
黑帮打手罗斯·盖拉尼因一系列残酷袭击被判处 16 年监禁,其中包括导致一名受害者腿部截肢的谋杀未遂以及另一名受害者被用棒球棒和砍刀折磨。 Gangland enforcer Ross Al-Gailani receives 16-year prison sentence for a series of brutal attacks, including an attempted murder that led to a leg amputation, and another victim being tortured with a baseball bat and machete. 据 36 岁的 Al-Gailani 自己的律师描述,他在与犯罪团伙在一起期间进行了“长达七周的混乱行为”。 Al-Gailani, 36, has been described by his own lawyer as carrying out "seven weeks of mayhem" during his time with the crime mob. 他在格拉斯哥高等法院对袭击事件表示认罪。 He pleaded guilty to the attacks at the High Court in Glasgow.