由于美国许可证到期,BP 暂停与委内瑞拉就 Manakin-Cocuina 天然气项目的谈判。 BP suspends talks with Venezuela on Manakin-Cocuina gas project due to US license expiration.
由于美国授予委内瑞拉的许可证于四月份到期,英国石油公司暂停了与委内瑞拉就在特立尼达和多巴哥海上边界开发共享天然气项目的谈判。 BP has temporarily suspended talks with Venezuela on the development of a shared gas project on the maritime border with Trinidad and Tobago due to the expiration of a US license to Venezuela in April. 该项目名为 Manakin-Cocuina 气田,天然气储量估计达 1 万亿立方英尺,位于委内瑞拉与特立尼达和多巴哥边境。 The project, Manakin-Cocuina field, with an estimated 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, is located on the border shared between Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago. 一旦获得法律允许,BP 打算恢复与委内瑞拉的谈判。 BP intends to resume talks with Venezuela once it is legally permitted to do so.