哥伦比亚特区检察长提出立法,要求市长政府对因 DYRS 绩效不佳而导致的高青少年累犯率负责。 D.C. AG introduces legislation to hold Mayor's administration accountable for high juvenile recidivism rate due to DYRS performance.
哥伦比亚特区司法部长布莱恩·施瓦布提出针对该区青少年服务机构的立法,对该机构的方向和表现表示担忧。 D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb introduces legislation targeting the District's youth services agency, expressing concerns about the agency's direction and performance. 超过 92% 的被判严重罪行的青少年会再次犯罪,施瓦布将高重犯率归咎于哥伦比亚特区青少年康复服务局 (DYRS)。 Over 92% of juveniles convicted of serious crimes reoffend, and Schwalb blames D.C. Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) for the high recidivism rate. 新立法旨在追究市长穆丽尔·鲍泽政府的责任并改善青少年司法系统。 The new legislation aims to hold Mayor Muriel Bowser's administration accountable and improve the juvenile justice system.