六岁残疾女儿注射胰岛素,母亲犯有伤害罪。 Six-year-old disabled daughter injected with insulin, mother guilty of attempting to harm.
西澳大利亚州一名母亲被判无罪,罪名是谋杀未遂,但罪名是试图造成可能危及她严重残疾的女儿生命的伤害。 A West Australian mother was found not guilty of attempted murder but guilty of attempting to cause harm that could endanger her severely disabled daughter's life. 这位 6 岁的女儿患有脑瘫和艾卡迪-古蒂埃综合征,由于新冠疫情限制期间医疗救助有限,她被注射了过量胰岛素才入院接受医生诊治。 The 6-year-old daughter, who has cerebral palsy and Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, was injected with an overdose of insulin to get her admitted to the hospital and seen by doctors due to limited medical assistance during COVID-19 restrictions.