澳大利亚工会理事会 (ACTU) 寻求将“断电权”法律扩展至休假员工和人事安排员工。 ACTU seeks to extend "right to disconnect" laws to employees on leave and staffing arrangements.
澳大利亚工会理事会 (ACTU) 正在推动扩大“断电权”法律的适用范围,将获批准休假的员工和人员安排纳入其中。 The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is pushing for the expansion of "right to disconnect" laws to include employees on approved leave and staffing arrangements. 《断网权利法》于八月生效,该法允许员工在非工作时间合理的情况下忽略与工作相关的接触。 The right to disconnect laws, which come into effect in August, allow employees to ignore work-related contact when they are not working, if it's reasonable to do so. 澳大利亚工会理事会 (ACTU) 认为,工作场所不应该依赖于在员工不工作时联系他们来维持运转。 ACTU argues that the workplace should not rely on contacting employees when they are not working for it to function.