阿塞拜疆奥古兹区警方在布贾格村发现手榴弹和弹药,包括2枚手榴弹、4套自动武器和400发子弹。 Oguz District Police in Azerbaijan discovered grenades and ammunition, including 2 hand grenades, 4 automatic weapon combos, and 400 cartridges, in Bujag village.
阿塞拜疆奥古兹区警方在布贾格村的灌木丛中采取行动后,发现手榴弹和弹药,包括2枚手榴弹、4套自动武器和400发子弹。 Oguz District Police in Azerbaijan found grenades and ammunition, including 2 hand grenades, 4 automatic weapon combos, and 400 cartridges, in Bujag village after conducting measures in the bush area. 内务部新闻处舍基地区小组证实了这一发现。 The Sheki regional group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' press service confirmed the discovery. 这些弹药的来源和用途尚不清楚,但已被没收以进行进一步调查。 The origin and purpose of the ammunition are unclear, but it has been confiscated for further investigation.