三名男子因在 Raven's Nest Bar 外袭击而被捕;受害者多处受伤。 3 men arrested for assault outside Raven's Nest Bar; victim sustained multiple injuries.
三名男子因在 Raven's Nest Bar 外袭击他人而被捕:萨姆特县警员逮捕了罗伯特·艾伦·贾米森 (Robert Alan Jamison)、杰瑞·拉格兰德·梅尔顿 (Jerry LaGrande Melton) 和亚科夫·迈克尔·彼得斯 (Yacov Michael Peters),罪名是在离开 Raven's Nest Bar 后袭击他人。 3 men arrested for assault outside Raven's Nest Bar: Sumter County deputies apprehended Robert Alan Jamison, Jerry LaGrande Melton, and Yacov Michael Peters for the assault of a person after leaving the Raven's Nest Bar. 梅尔顿是该酒吧的一名员工,事发当晚他正在负责保安工作。 Melton, an employee of the bar, was working security the night of the incident. 受害者遭受多处伤害,包括脑震荡,并在 Prisma Health Tuomey 接受治疗。 The victim sustained multiple injuries, including a concussion, and was treated at Prisma Health Tuomey.