2023 年 11 月,日产北美公司遭遇数据泄露,员工的社会安全号码被泄露。 Nissan North America suffered a data breach in November 2023, exposing employees' Social Security numbers.
2023 年 11 月,日产北美公司遭遇数据泄露,数千名前任和现任员工的社会保障号码被泄露。 Nissan North America suffered a data breach in November 2023, exposing the Social Security numbers of thousands of former and current employees. 此次网络攻击针对的是该公司的虚拟专用网络。 The cyberattack targeted the company's virtual private network. 日产北美公司开始向受影响的个人发送数据泄露通知信,一家数据泄露律师事务所正在代表受影响人员调查索赔。 Nissan North America began sending data breach notification letters to affected individuals, and a data breach law firm is investigating claims on behalf of those affected.