5 名居民流离失所,3 人因吸入烟雾而受伤;垃圾箱大火蔓延至迈阿密小哈瓦那的三层公寓楼。 5 residents displaced, 3 injured by smoke inhalation; dumpster fire spreads to 3-story apartment building in Miami's Little Havana.
周六,迈阿密小哈瓦那的垃圾箱大火蔓延至西南第二街 619 号的一栋 3 层公寓楼,导致 5 名居民流离失所,3 人因吸入烟雾受伤。 5 residents displaced, 3 injured by smoke inhalation in Miami's Little Havana after a dumpster fire spread to a 3-story apartment building on Saturday at 619 Southwest 2nd Street. 消防员在 10 分钟内控制住了火势,红十字会正在协助流离失所的居民。 Firefighters controlled the blaze in 10 minutes, and the Red Cross is assisting the displaced residents. 起火的原因正在调查中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation.