印第安纳州尚未选出女州长,但在过去五届任期内已选出四名女性副州长。 Indiana has yet to elect a female governor, but has elected four female lieutenant governors in the past five terms.
印第安纳州过去五任州长中,有四任是女性副州长,但从未选出过女性州长。 Indiana has elected four female lieutenant governors out of the past five, but never a female governor. 民主党人詹妮弗·麦考密克 (Jennifer McCormick) 旨在改变这一现状,但她面临着与共和党人迈克·布劳恩 (Mike Braun) 的激烈竞争,后者已选择朱莉·麦奎尔 (Julie McGuire) 作为其副州长竞选搭档,这可能会为他的竞选活动带来多元化的感觉。 Democrat Jennifer McCormick aims to change this, but faces a challenging battle against Republican Mike Braun, who has chosen Julie McGuire as his running mate for lieutenant governor, potentially providing a sense of diversity to his campaign. 尽管女性在次要角色中占有重要地位,但印第安纳州尚未选出一位女州长。 Despite women's strong presence in secondary roles, Indiana has not yet elected a female governor.